The legislative session is in full swing and Moving Maine partnering with Build Maine, GrowSmart Maine, and Alpha One to champion a number of mobility-related bills. These came about through YOUR input on the need for equitable transportation and safer streets. Now we need you to speak up in support! Read on for bill details and sign up to provide testimony.
Public Transportation
LD 1559 "An Act to Advance the State's Public Transit Systems by Reinvigorating the Public Transit Advisory Council and Increasing Funding" (Sponsor: Representative Margaret O'Neil). The bill strengthens stakeholder input on public transit decisions, expands transit planning assistance for rural providers, and appropriates $25 million towards bus transit agencies in a separate account from the multimodal fund.
ADA Accessibility
LD 467 "An Act to Require Accessible Electric Vehicle Charging Stations" (Sponsor: Representative Melanie Sachs). This bill proposes to require accessible electric vehicle charging stations by amending the laws governing charging stations to add language that is compliant with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Safer Streets
LD 1566 “Resolve, to Establish the Task Force to Recommend Strategies to Achieve the Goal of Eliminating Traffic Fatalities and Serious Injuries” (Sponsor: Representative Dan Ankeles). This task force will enable Maine to create a cross-sector, interdepartmental action plan for eliminating all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.
LD 1634 “An Act to Grant Municipalities the Authority to Set Certain Lower Motor Vehicle Speed Limits Without a Department of Transportation Speed Study” (Sponsor: Senator Rick Bennett). This bill empowers towns and cities to set lower speeds without going through MaineDOT.
LR 1782 “An Act to Establish a Thriving Corridors Program by Encouraging Affordable Housing and Mixed-use Development” (Sponsor: Representative Traci Gere) This bill establishes guidelines, tools, and incentives to municipalities to encourage housing and mixed use development along high-impact corridors.
LR 996 “An Act to Increase Street Safety” (Sponsor: Representative Marc Malon). This bill establishes roadway project design criteria to implement and support MaineDOT's Complete Streets Policy.
LD 1076 "An Act to Expand the Use of Traffic Cameras for School and Work Zones" (Sponsor: Senator Matthea Daughtry). The bill would add school and work zones to the places where automated speed enforcement is currently permitted
There are three ways to testify:
1. Provide in-person testimony in Augusta - You also have the option to testify in person in Augusta, (click here) which you do not need to sign up for. Moving Maine can help with transportation. Contact Zoe zone@movingmaine.org for support.
2. Testify on Zoom -Sign up to testify online at a public hearing once it has been announced. In order to testify online at the hearing, you are encouraged to fill out this form at least 30 minutes before the hearing begins.
3. Testify in writing. Click here.
Moving Maine's next monthly Learning Community is Wednesday, April 26, from noon-1pm. This month's session will feature staff from the City of Portland Refugee Resettlement Program talking about the free transit pass program currently being piloted. There will also be time for networking and information-sharing. Sign up here.