Penobscot Valley Senior College
499 Broadway, PMB #274
Bangor, Me. 04401
Telephone: (207) 659-1359New email:
New website:
"To Our Members,
PVSC is excited to introduce Roland Dube as our new Administrative Coordinator. Roland will be jumping into the role previously held by Sheila Krautkremer, who is retiring. Throughout March, Sheila will be working closely with Roland to ensure a smooth transition and to train him in all the details of the job. Roland is a retired educator, having taught special education students in Gouldsboro and middle school math students at the Wm. S. Cohen School in Bangor. If you are a Gilbert and Sullivan follower, you may have seen Roland in many of their theatre productions. Roland will be a wonderful addition to PVSC and he looks forward to meeting you all.
Roland Dube
Along with presenting a new Administrative Coordinator to you, we will also be presenting our new website. Funded by a very generous “Pay it Forward” donation from one of our members, our new site will be ready to launch on March 3, 2025.
We heard you when you said that our old website could be confusing and clunky. Our new one will be streamlined and easy to use.
No user name will be required.
No password will be required.
Whatever day/month you pay your membership fee, you will be a member for a year from that date. The website will send you a reminder when it is time for you to pay your dues.
As photos are taken in classes, you may find your picture, with your permission, on the website.
As you sign up for classes, a calendar feature will put all of the meeting dates for the class, on the calendar for you.
The website: will be live on March 3 , for you to explore.
On March 10 , the website will be open to take your membership fee, if you have not yet paid it, and will take your class registrations for the spring 2025 term.
Reminder : with your membership in PVSC you are allowed to take courses at any of the 17 Maine Senior Colleges, so check out the MSCN site,, to find out the courses being offered around the State of Maine.
While we encourage you to use our website for ease of paying membership and course fees, we will still accept checks for payment.
Our fee schedule remains, Membership single $25.00; couple $40.00; tuition per class $35.00.Below, you will find the PVSC Spring Course Listings link to our classes for the spring. There is a registration form included if you wish to mail yours, however, we want everyone with an email address to visit the site and see if you find it easier to register. You may register for membership first, then add any courses you wish to take."