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Medicare Savings Program - Enroll Soon!

The Medicare Savings Program (MSP) helps pay monthly Medicare premiums and out-of-pocket costs. People who are eligible for Medicare Part A may qualify for MSP.

There are two levels of MSP coverage. Eligibility depends on monthly income.

Depending on household income, MSP can help pay:

•Medicare Part B (physician and other medical care) and Medicare Part D (prescription drugs) monthly premiums;

•Medicare Part A (hospital), Part B, and Part D deductibles;

•Part B co-pays;

•Medicare Part A and B co-insurance;

•Part D Donut Hole

A person who qualifies for this coverage is referred to as a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB). Some people with higher income may qualify for more limited help paying for Medicare Part B and Part D premiums, and the Part D donut hole and deductible. People who qualify for this level of help are referred to as Qualified Individuals (QI).

The monthly income limits for the Medicare Savings Program (QMB and QI) are listed on the My Maine Connection. Some income can be reduced when applying for MSP (for example $75 for a single person or $100 for a married couple can be deducted).

Apply for MSP online at My Maine Connection.

Mainers can also download and print a MaineCare application from the Maine DHHS Application and Forms webpage.

Once completed, the application can be mailed, emailed or faxed to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.

Mail: Office of Family Independence

State of Maine – DHHS

114 Corn Shop Lane

Farmington, Maine 04938


For more information and help with applications:

•Area Agencies on Aging statewide, toll-free number to connect with a local Area Agency on Aging:1-877-353-3771.

Listen for your county to be connected to the Agency that helps people in your area.

•Consumer Assistance Program Help Line at Consumers for Affordable Health Care:1-800-965-7476.


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