Every Thursday starting January 5th, let's meet virtually at 10:00 am for a bit of tea (or coffee) and to chat about how to THRIVE in our community. I will post a Zoom invite each week. You can also send me an email (consultant@bucksportbayhealth.org) if you want to be added to the group.
Do you know about our "Thriving in Place" program? A program dedicated to allowing community members to live comfortably and safely in their own homes and community. The TIP program uses a documented assessment and intake session to assist members in identifying areas of need. Once completed, a TIP member meets with a BBHCC employee for a goal-setting session in which they are connected to local healthcare service agencies to accomplish safety, housing, transportation, financial, and mental wellness goals. After the goal-setting session, three follow-up check-ins through phone or email are provided to assess and document progress.