April 21st 11:00 – 12:15 pm
Come learn about how to read a nutrition label, the guidelines for healthy eating, and food as medicine with a guest presenter, Tom Gaffney. We will also share resources about free and low-cost fitness opportunities in the area and try some simple stretches to get moving with the Bucksport Bay Healthy Communities. This workshop will be held at the Buck Memorial Library. The Thrive program is available for FREE.

(Handouts and take-home items may be provided)
Weekly discussion groups with the Healthy Communities consultant and others held via Zoom Thursdays at 10:00 am:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85641069601pwd=L0VGUGFhMFVlOXBjRkd5bXZ4Z01yQT09; Meeting ID: 856 4106 9601;
Passcode: 149500
Plan to come and share your thoughts, concerns, ideas and bring a friend.
Buck Memorial Library
47 Main St.
Bucksport, ME 04416