Preparing for, or talking about, how to handle emergencies is good practice for individuals and communities. Often, individuals avoid this because they do not want to be perceived as negative, a worrier, or always thinking about the worst. Yet, these beliefs get in the way and can leave us surprised or unprepared.
Communities who prepare, care!
The American Red Cross suggests: "Disasters can happen, anytime, anywhere. Learn ways to be prepared."
They also offer many ways to get ready: classes, items to purchase like First Aid kits, and education about what to do in a fire, flood, extreme outdoor temperatures, or snowstorm.
Did you know that you can download a FREE emergency app on your phone? It is available for iPhone and Androids. Check out information here about how to get it.

Staying informed is just one way to be prepared in a natural disaster. Here are others:
Get a kit
Make a plan
Be informed
Learn hands-only CPR
Make a First Aid kit
You can also print an Emergency Contact card to carry with you. Go to their website to find out more here.