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Are you an older adult or care partner? Share your opinion! Make your voice heard!

On September 28th, from 9:00 to 11:00 am, the Bucksport Area Senior Citizen's Center will be hosting a Maine Aging Study Listening Session for those who do not have access to technology.

Maine wants to improve community services that support older adults and their family caregivers.

The Maine Aging Study being conducted by the University of Southern Maine (USM) on behalf of Maine’s Office of Aging and Disability Services will consist of a statewide survey for older adults, a survey for family caregivers, focus groups, key informant interviews, and listening sessions. Topics being addressed throughout this study include healthcare, food/nutrition, housing, transportation, receiving and giving care, safety, and socialization.

Information collected will be used to inform the development of the 2025-2028 Maine State Plan on Aging that outlines goals, objectives, strategies, and performance measures for Older Americans Act funded aging services and programs.


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