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Age Positive Culture - Virtual Event Happening Soon

The research is clear: people who live with age-positive views and in age-positive cultures live 7.5 years longer than those who don’t, with fewer chronic conditions and less anxiety. People who live with purpose – a reason to get up in the morning – live longer and have fewer cognition problems than those who don’t.

How we think and talk about aging has never mattered more. The 2023 Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging Spring Summit: Age Positive Culture: A Public Health Imperative will bring together public health and aging network leaders to explore how our often unconscious age bias impacts quality of life and health outcomes, what role public health messaging and initiatives can play in changing the narrative around aging positively, and how we can be each others champions and collaborators to catalyze meaningful culture change.

Register here.

The event is sponsored by United Healthcare, MEHAF, Healthy Living for ME, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, Martin's Point Healthcare, Aetna, SeniorsPlus, Vermont Department of Disabilities Aging & Independent Living, Leading Age Maine & New Hampshire, Disability Rights Maine, MCD Global Health, VOA Northern New England and Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging.


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