Welcome to The Bucksport Bay Healthy Communities Coalition
"The greatness of a COMMUNITY is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members." Coretta Scott King

The BBHCC is committed to public health initiatives that consider the needs of the individuals and organizations within our community. These health efforts are coordinated with local, regional, and state public health entities and small businesses to be sustainable and impactful.
We strive to: provide effective and efficient public health services; educate about local community resources; promote a drug-free community; promote healthy lifestyle choices to prevent and reduce chronic disease; create caring communities free from all types of violence; promote volunteerism; and encourage older adults to thrive in their community.

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Bucksport- Mary Jane Bush died peacefully in her home in Bucksport on February 12, 2025.
Mary Jane was greeted to this world by her loving parents, Mary Gwenna Madich and Walter Bush, and her brothers, Walter Lee and Charles Thomas Bush. Throughout her adult life Mary Jane was sustained by the Bush and Davis family members, especially the families of Ingrid and Joyce Bush, Dave and Ginny Davis, Barbara and Bill Larkin family, and the family of Joanne and William Davis.
Mary Jane met the love of her life, Sue Davis, more than 50 years ago. Together, Sue and Mary Jane created a lifelong bond based on love, respect, responsibility, and deep commitment to social justice. From peace demonstrations in Washington, neighborhood advocacy in Southwest Baltimore, substance abuse recovery work, and community advocacy in Maine, Mary Jane and Sue were sustained by loving friends and family in their search for peace and community.
A gathering of remembrance and support will be held at 10:00 AM on Saturday, March 1st at the Alamoosic Lodge. A luncheon will follow.
Special thanks to Laura Campbell and the Northern Light Hospice Team in Hancock County. Arrangements are under the care of Mitchell-Tweedie Funeral Home and Cremation Services Bucksport. (mitchelltweedie-young.com)
Mary Jane Bush
March 20, 1948 - February 12, 2025

BBHCC was granted a Community Building 2024 grant from
Maine Community Foundation in June of 2024.
The monies will be used to expand the Thrive and Home Safety & Accessibility Repair program to Bucksport Bay communities like Orland, Prospect and Verona Island.
BBHCC is incredibly honored to receive this grant and to
serve the community.

Town of Bucksport, Maine
The Town of Bucksport is located at the head of Penobscot Bay, and is home to approximately 5,000 people. Since the first settlers arrived in 1763, the town has experienced Revolutionary War naval battles, stagecoach visits from five presidents, and even a legendary witch's curse that continues to this day.